7 Magazine Réunion, L’actualité people et lifestyle à l’île de la Réunion
7 Magazine Réun

Les incroyables tenues de bain des femmes chinoises

Les femmes Chinoises veulent absolument se protéger du soleil... Elles ont donc choisi de cacher au maximum leurs corps sur les plages afin de préserver la blancheur de leur peau. Un véritable spectacle car elles rivalisent d'ingéniosité dans la composition de leurs maillots ultra couvrants et autres facebikinis...

Photos : Instagram Philipp Engelhorn

Par Chloé Grondin - Publié le Jeudi 8 Mars 2018 à 07:53

Les incroyables tenues de bain des femmes chinoises


Facekini Swimmers of Qingdao for @everydayclimatechange Facekini are suddenly the ‘new fashion’ and seen all over china + Western Fashion Magazines. This might be funny to many but the meaning behind is clearly a climate change issue. The Coast of North Eastern Japan (accross from Qingdao) has been infested by huge jellyfish called Nomura's jellyfish in the last 10 years. These up to 440 pounds (200 kilograms) monsters leave nasty burns on the skin of the swimmers, so the entrepreneurial Chinese invented the facekini. "We have reports of massive bloomings of young jellyfish near the Chinese coast, where the ecosystems of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea are favorable for breeding," said Professor Shinichi Uye, a leading expert on the species at the Graduate School of Biosphere Science of Hiroshima University. Relatively little is known about Nomura's jellyfish, such as why some years see thousands of the creatures floating across the Sea of Japan on the Tsushima Current. "It is possible that they have a 'rest stage' or hibernation period in their development over several years, but then their numbers shoot up given certain environmental stimuli," said Professor Uye. But there are no explanations for why the jellyfish are becoming more regular visitors to Japan’s and China's shores, he said. In the early 1900s, for example, large numbers were only reported every 40 years or so. One contributing factor may be a decline in the number of predators, which include sea turtles and certain species of fish. In addition, the creatures appear to favour warmer water and research suggests that the temperature of the East China Sea is 1-2 degree centigrade higher than in the last years. #globalwarming #climatechangeisreal #climatechange #china #jellyfish #burns #photography #facekini #Qingdao #swimmers #style #protection #ocean #seatemperature #portrait #Nomura #YellowSea #eastchinasea #beach #beachwear #everydayclimatechange #travel #resourcemag #canon

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